When Preparation Meets Opportunity, Good Fortune Results

It feels good to be through with a course of study, and be convinced that you have added significantly, however little, to the body of knowledge. This post is dedicated to sharing the synopsis of my doctoral thesis. Of course the search for answers to the myriad real world and research problems goes on. I am grateful to my esteemed thesis supervisors and every other person who contributed to the success of the research process. In sum, the study advocates that domestic firm absorptive capacity (preparation) is necessary for the presence of foreign firms (opportunity) to be socially beneficial and productivity enhancing. By way of introduction, the manufacturing sector has been recognised as an engine of growth, industrial and technological advancement for developing countries. Amongst other things, foreign direct investment (FDI) is sought as a propeller of industrial productivity growth and technology spillovers. However, a rising trend of FDI flow to Nigeria and a...