Hassles of Urban Work

If you live or work within a densely populated mega city, that is particularly bereft of high-speed fly-over or underground rail infrastructure suitable for efficient intra-city and inter-city transportation, you can relate to regular rush hour gridlock or slowdown. Given high costs of housing in city centres and reserved areas, low-income and middle-income earners working in cities are usually pushed (by high rental costs) to affordable accommodation, available only on the edge of cities, in suburbs or in nearby towns. It is needless to emphasise that high income earners retain patronage of pricey city housing units. Whenever public-aided low-cost housing units are in limited supply within urban areas, many in the 'bottom billion' get excluded. Consequently, wage earners, who live in suburbs but work in city centres, may have to combat long hours of daily commute in their attempt to stay productive and dutiful. If such workers can pull funds for housing accommodation, they ...