Jailbreaks from Underdevelopment

Have you ever seen the footage of a jailbreak? Whether at film or in reality, the 'successful' prisoners surely display energies of the brave, determination of the free and delectable smiles of grand architects of a new future. Nevertheless, by unflinching and intelligent forces of a just State, before long the momentary heroes and heroines of prison-independence parties resume the distressing chores and isolation they once presumed was over forever. If you take a look at the perils of underdevelopment and socio-economic realities of many nation-states who once gained independence from their respective colonial masters, the re-imprisonment jinx of economic dependence and mental slavery holds true. Away from the pomp and pageantry of national independence is the subtle reality that sustainable economic freedom is birthed by absolute, individual and collective, responsibility. We must no longer be at ease with individual, household, corporate, national, and global underdevelop...