Take the Hint: I May Need Your Aid

In daily drives through a vast residential and work community, I have had several opportunities to take life lessons in psychology, mind reading, and gesture education. At any instance you will likely meet at least three categories of pedestrians. First, are those who have stopped outrightly on a spot by the road, waiting on the benevolence of drivers by for a ride to a desired destination. Such folks wait on the side of traffic towards the end point they hope to arrive at. Sometimes, these pedestrians may wave you down vigorously or just give a hopeful look into your vehicle to spy on passenger room. If you dare drive by this category of pedestrians without waiting to help, you may get that look that says: "You are not considerate at all, don't you know I had been waiting here for a bit". Next is the second class of pedestrians who have started walking along the way towards their anticipated destination. Nevertheless, while walking along they tend to keep ears and skins...