Happy New Year 2022
Transformational turning points are the real 'new years', every other movement along the continuum of time is just for keeping the records. Economies, individiduals, households, firms, governments, and institutions can experience my concept of a 'new year' at whatever point in time they decide to effect game-changing ideas, policies, and structural changes, however minuscule. Check through business cases as well as economic history and you will observe how some nations advanced in development while their counterparts stagnated or retrogressed through time. Some firms from yesteryears are now defunct because they simply refused to innovate in development strategy. So, if you, unlike me, decided to commence 2022 with a static business-as-usual mindset, then it is not your own 'new year' yet. You would have to start yours at a later time. It is my deep seated hope that you will not be caught napping, flying with worn wings that need replacement. With no structura...