
Showing posts with the label SDGs

Knowledge is Water

Words are architects Words are bulldozers Words are builders True words are priceless Words are water Words are oil Words are garments True words are rich Words are food Words are rain Words are wine True words are bright Words are counting Words are letters Words are teachers True words are constant Words are tools Words are toys Words are machines True words are productive Words are sand Words are seeds Words are swords True words are life Words are shoes Words are servants Words are rulers True words are active Words are ancient Words are culture Words are young True words are dynamic Words are stores Words are gates  Words are goggles True words are willing Words are nurses Words are doctors Words are patients True words are resident Words are sharp Words are soft Words are hard True words are divisive Words are long Words are short Words are fierce True words are graceful ... #Education #WorldWaterDay #SDGs #Culture #everydropcounts  #SocialJustice #HealthyLifestyle #Ment...

Imperative for a Circular Economy

When the climate is changing We should learn to adapt When the climate is warm We should be more circular Let us go circular together. Yes, we can. #Climatechange #Climateaction #Businessclimate #SDG13 #Savetheplanet #Compact #Sustainability #Partnerships #SDGs #circulareconomy  ... Photo Credit: Oluyomi Ola-David

Musings: Pruning Development

Being a pupil You may need to choose between Reading a subject And subjecting a discipline Being a plant You may need to choose between Growing in random places And placing where to grow Being a star You may need to choose between Shining in your story book And booking your shine Being a horse You may need to choose between Working for the visible And invisibly doing the work Being a mind You may need to choose between Running through your thinking And thinking through your run Being a hireling You may need to choose between Waiting for sheep to pay back And backing sheep to wait Being a door You may need to choose between Opening throughout time And timing your opening   Being an agent You may need to choose between Purchasing goods and services And servicing good purchase  Being a wall You may need to choose between Guarding a city And situating the guards Being a merchant You may need to choose between Trading your treasure And treasuring your trade   Being a...

Happy New Year 2022

Transformational turning points are the real 'new years', every other movement along the continuum of time is just for keeping the records.  Economies, individiduals, households, firms, governments, and institutions  can experience my concept of a 'new year' at whatever point in time they decide to effect game-changing ideas, policies, and structural changes, however minuscule. Check through business cases as well as economic history and you will observe how some nations advanced in development while their counterparts stagnated or retrogressed through time. Some firms from yesteryears are now defunct because they simply refused to innovate in development strategy. So, if you, unlike me, decided to commence 2022 with a static business-as-usual mindset, then it is not your own 'new year' yet. You would have to start yours at a later time. It is my deep seated hope that you will not be caught napping, flying with worn wings that need replacement. With no structura...

Building Partnerships for SDGs: The Role of FBOs

Africa is a steeply religious climate and this fact is somewhat pivotal to the successful implementation of any development policy or programme.  In #Nigeria and many parts of #Africa, religious and/or faith-based organisations (FBOs) have provided growth opportunities in social and human capital for many previously indigent citizens. While enrolled as passionate volunteers in various units of such organisations, many members of FBOs may be able to develop their innate talent, team skills, as well as build valuable community for personal, social and business success. Even in the midst of economic recession, FBOs have demonstrable capacity to garner support through regular membership subscriptions. With efficiently managed human resource and financial resource pools, FBOs execute value-adding community and infrastructural projects while others build viable business models that create employment. Moreover, the many incidences of local government failure in social welfare maximisation...

The Nigeria Project: I am a Peddler of Hope

I am happy to join forces with the Nigerian Economic Summit Group  (NESG) as a Senior Non-resident Fellow. At this critical  point in our nation's economic history, when the majority pass a vote of no confidence in our national systems and structures, we need a unique breed of thinkers who are peddlers of hope.  Such persons, on the one hand, would possess an indepth understanding of the root causes of our socio-economic conundrums. While, on the other hand, retaining a growing capacity to generate appropriate enterprise-driven, research-driven, and policy-driven solutions to the problems identified. For a long while now, I have retained a penchant for influencing policy from my little corner, and am glad for the learning experience  that the NESG Fellowship affords. I am very grateful to the Nigerian Economic Summit Group and its stakeholders for granting me the opportunity to be party to the reconstruction and development of the Nigerian economy. By the mercy and g...

Musings: Our Zeitgeist of Distraction

Welcome information Albeit with caution Fight overload Conquer the age Welcome speed Albeit with caution Fight impatience Conquer the age Welcome sexuality Albeit with caution Fight perversion Conquer the age Welcome handouts Albeit with caution Fight inaction Conquer the age Welcome diversity Albeit with caution Fight insecurities Conquer the age Welcome robots Albeit with caution Fight inhumanity Conquer the age Welcome philosophy Albeit with caution Fight falsehood Conquer the age Welcome food Albeit with caution Fight obesity Conquer the age Welcome laissez-faire Albeit with caution Fight impunity Conquer the age Welcome openness Albeit with caution Fight intrusion Conquer the age Welcome women Albeit with caution Fight imbalance Conquer the age Welcome focus Albeit with caution Fight distraction Conquer the age ... Photo credit: BG Mahesh

Social Media and the Economics of Words

A proliferation in the use of social media has increased the rate at which news and information spreads across communities in the shrinking global space. Throughout history we can observe how careless words have resulted in war and conflicts as well as how thoughtful and soothing words have promoted peace and reconciliation.  While some economic agents seek to sell products, ideas and information fast, many may also use fake news and information to attract traffic to their web pages. During times like this, when societies and households are hurting from effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and internal conflicts in their economies, the world needs healing and restoration of lost fortunes. In 2021 and beyond, even as we employ social media tools to advance our noble causes, let us express our true humanity via our daily demonstration of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, self control and meekness. Moreover, while we employ social media tools to advance our noble...

Rethinking the 5D Governance Systems

Business practices that brought damages to our humanity, shared prosperity and environment cannot sustain our development. Governance systems and social systems that continually widen the gap between the poor and rich, cannot sustain global peace and partnerships. When I speak of good governance, it is not an analysis limited to  national and global considerations only. Good governance parameters should, of optimal necessity be in five (5) dimensions:   ■ Good self governance ■ Good household governance ■ Good corporate governance ■ Good state governance ■ Good global governance Let us rethink to reconstruct all limiting culture, structure, infrastructure and intrastructure in our governance systems, thereby save the planet. What are your thoughts on governance and governance systems? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you! Photo credit: