
Showing posts with the label partnerships

Nigeria: Transformed By The Almighty's Famous Mercy

Transformed from weakness into strength! Transformed from order break downs into a breakthrough enabling environment!  Transformed from veiled and blind faced nation into a visionary nation! Transformed from being perceived as a dangerous zone into being the safest place on the planet! Transformed from having just enough to get by to being breadwinner of other nations! Transformed from beggarly debtor nation into a merciful creditor nation! Transformed from mourning moans into estatic dancing! Transformed from sickness into wholesome health! Transformed from being tagged a 'shit-hole nation' into being the toast of many lovers and well wishers! Transformed from down cast country into exalted country! Transformed from fragile state into steady, tranquil, and peaceful territory! Transformed from being an impervious boundary into being a secure landmark! Transformed from an economic misery into an economic miracle! Transformed from shame and shamefacedness into glorious liberty! T...

Building Partnerships for SDGs: The Role of FBOs

Africa is a steeply religious climate and this fact is somewhat pivotal to the successful implementation of any development policy or programme.  In #Nigeria and many parts of #Africa, religious and/or faith-based organisations (FBOs) have provided growth opportunities in social and human capital for many previously indigent citizens. While enrolled as passionate volunteers in various units of such organisations, many members of FBOs may be able to develop their innate talent, team skills, as well as build valuable community for personal, social and business success. Even in the midst of economic recession, FBOs have demonstrable capacity to garner support through regular membership subscriptions. With efficiently managed human resource and financial resource pools, FBOs execute value-adding community and infrastructural projects while others build viable business models that create employment. Moreover, the many incidences of local government failure in social welfare maximisation...

In Finance, Newcomers, Old-timers Are Welcome

Whoever says newcomers are not welcome is certainly a cruel old-timer. The newcomers in the Nigerian finance market are certainly shaking complacent old-timers awake from their slumbering on status quo couches. We call these newcomers in finance,  fintechs. They tend to leverage modern technologies to provide seamless and bespoke financial services. In economies where financial sector growth had been abysmal and informal sector prevalent, the stream of new entrants in finance is refreshing breeze.  Most fintechs are not usually burdened with the costs of running a network of physical bank branches like counterpart old-timers, and their employees may as well work remotely. Whoever says driving primarily for profit is critical for new business is certainly not a newcomer seeking first to achieve a clientele benchmark. In order to woo clients, fintech offer advantages that many traditional bank models cannot afford. Fintech account subscription promotion strategies include bonuse...

Parents for Development

Amidst a billion voices on the planet, those of a child's parent stand out. Apparently, parents are principal lifelong educators. Global governance institutions observe and understand the primary role of parents and families in the unselfish care, nurture, and protection of children.  More important for manpower planning, as global migration trends indicate, countries with family-friendly systems and structures are more likely to attract global talent. To this end, enterprise management systems and policy interventions that esteem household governance and agency are critical. In the Finnish model of formal education, where schooling begins at the age of seven, parents have ample opportunities to guide early psychosocial, intellectual, and educational development of children. Also, principles of cooperation, not competition, aid the training of children for the real world of community life and work. In order to create a global society of wholesome people who work for peace and share...

Working for Peace

Where there is conflict, we need people who work for unity-in-diversity. Where there is negativism, we need people who work to relentlessly infuse optimism. Where there is widespread poverty, we need people who work to create enterprise. Where there is confusion, we need people who work to shine the light. Where there is ignorance, we need people who work to provide wholesome enlightenment. Where there is needless war, we need people who work for #peace and still the violence. Today and always, I salute the courage and resilience of every peacekeeper (past, present and future) in the global space! Since peacekeeping is a global partnership, let us ALL work for the five 5Ps of sustainable development (#Peace, #Sharedprosperity, #People #Partnerships, #Planet) everywhere we are found. Yes we can! #internationaldayofpeacekeeping  United Nations  #savetheplanet #peacekeeping  #peace #prosperity #partnerships #businessclimate  #people #planet Photo credit: UN Peacekeeping...

Authentic Celebrity Trustees

Whenever an electorate bestows political #power, they grant the empowered permission to protect them. Whenever the #poor save for the rich, they grant moguls wealth to support their economies. Whenever a reader studies a line, they take permission to navigate the author's mind. Whenever the blind chooses a guide, they endow the #trustees with their ends. Whenever a human baby greets the #planet, it grants its guardians permission to parent it. Whenever #parents fail to prioritise wholesome #education, they create a legacy of chaos in #human societies. Many times the people who care the most about us and our future remain uncelebrated on the sidelines of history. So today my spotlight is on those heroic but silent: ♡ social protectors ♡ faithful trustees ♡ luminary guides ♡ thoughtful readers ♡ repentant listeners ♡ the industriously wealthy ♡ careful guardians ♡ true and living legacies I salute your courage!