
Showing posts with the label truth

Becoming Nigeria

Birth Nigeria  And pursue her peace Refine Nigeria Excuse and silence impurities Build Nigeria And engineer her change Make Nigeria Excuse and silence indolence Bless Nigeria And fulfill her purpose Grow Nigeria Excuse and silence poverty Breed Nigeria And light her lamp Enlighten Nigeria Excuse and silence mental slavery Be Nigeria And restore her hope Lift Nigeria Excuse and silence mediocrity

A Response: Native Sense Is Commendable

Learning never ends Prudence is always a student Thoughts are always welcome The mind will always ask ... Here was my response to the learning event I recently attended: I was thoroughly enlightened by your brilliant keynote, though I had to hurry out to another scheduled task during the Q&A session. Owing to my penchant for the poor, despised, and excluded segments of society, I noticed when you referred to the smallholder farmers, to whom most of Nigeria owes her nutrition security, as 'illiterates'. These ignorant and unlearned ones may be 'illiterates" by Western education standards, but I sure think they have sufficiently commendable native sense to have remained productive throughout the ages. My stance: what we need to do is make them see their innate capacity to innovate and upgrade their productive capabilities, not cast aspersion on their little strengths. Inclusive systems of local governance can help here. My question is: how are DFIs like the AfDB work...

Fat List, Lean Faith

Fat may not be healthy Lean may just be instructive Drunk may not be warm Sober may just be learning Foul may not be guilty Lofty may just be cleansed  Feet may not be ugly Vision may just be faint Error may not be right Light may just be true Slave may not be free Knees may just be weak  Snack may not be pasture Mask may just be made Lost may not be bad Home may just be comfortable Tall may not be deep Sea may just be rich  Black may not be dull White may just be clear Red may not be dangerous Green may just be crunchy Goat may not be stubborn Sheep may just be meek  ... Pause and calmly think about that! 

Musings: We Won

He came He died He rose And we won He was  He is  He is to come And we won He thought He spoke He did it And we won He prepared He fought He conquered And we won  He knew He knows He is knowledge And we won He took He bore He bled And we won  He calls He justifies He glorifies And we won  He worked He works He is working  And we won He stoops He serves He leads And we won He is first He is between He is last And we won He ruled He rules He is ruling And we won He rose He lives He speaks And we won ... Photo credit: APEX Public Relations

Musings: One in Eight Billion

Singled out Call it merit Or call it favouritism  It is still what it is Sought out Call it skill Or call it charisma It is still what it is Lead singing Call it talent Or call it nepotism It is still what it is Dark skin Call it lovely Or call it black It is what it is Royal blood Call it red Or call it blue It is still what it is Curly hair Call it kinky Or call it straight It is still what it is Star light Call it bright Or call it blurry It is still what it is  Lion's roar Call it notice Or call it noise It is still what it is  Hidden thought Call it truth Or call it falsity It is still what it is Soaring eagle Call it king Or call it peasant It is still what it is Perennial problem Call it opportunity Or call it threat It is still what it is Open eyes Call it vision Or call it blindness It is still what it is ... Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David

Musings: Inglorious Positions

Where lies the glory Of blind guides Inglorious is The temple with corrupt gates Where lies the savour  Of tasteless salt Inglorious is The meal with neutral seasoning Where lies the brightness  Of hidden light Inglorious is The lamp with retired flame Where lies the beauty  Of ugly spirit Inglorious is The pretty with empty heart Where lies the victory  Of weary soldiers Inglorious is The battle with little strength  Where lies the wealth Of working poor  Inglorious is The lowly with prideful look Where lies the goodness  Of ill wind Inglorious is The gift with no love Where lies the profit  Of busy ant Inglorious is The winter with meagre store  Where lies the path  Of tactless sea Inglorious is The voyage with sleepy sailor Where lies the future  Of ignorant youth Inglorious is The book with little history Where lies the vision  Of blurry eyes Inglorious is The zeal with little knowledge Where lies the wisdom  Of miry c...

Musings: Purpose and Productivity

When you know The purpose of marriage Is to raise godly offspring You will marry carefully When you know The purpose of your faculty Is to invest in thinking You will deploy it differently  When you know The purpose of eating Is to gain strength and health You will eat carefully When you know The purpose of truth Is to make you free You will listen differently When you know The purpose of life Is to fulfill a divine destiny You will live carefully When you know The purpose of money Is to procure value and pure knowledge You will spend differently When you know The purpose of star talent Is to shine as light-in-darkness You will complain carefully When you know The purpose of youth Is to prepare for a good old age You will work differently When you know The purpose of birthing children Is to be a lifelong coach You will procreate carefully When you know The purpose of leadership Is to fully imitate Christ You will follow differently When you know The purpose of the present Is to cre...