Musings: The Deaf May Read

Whoever has Ears to hear Shows gratitude By sifting sounds Whoever has Sheep to tend Shows gratitude By keeping greens Whoever has Eyes to see Shows gratitude By observing history Whoever has Wheels to steer Shows gratitude By turning right Whoever has Nostrils to smell Shows gratitude By detecting foul Whoever has Debts to pay Shows gratitude By pleading patience Whoever has a Tongue to taste Shows gratitude By discriminating junk Whoever has Words to speak Shows gratitude By staying true Whoever has Feet to walk Shows gratitude By going the narrow lane Whoever has Wings to fly Shows gratitude By soaring on the wind Whoever has Hands to hold Shows gratitude By releasing grip Whoever has Blocks to build Shows gratitude By building to last Whoever has Knees to bow Shows gratitude By courting mercy Whoever has A tutor Shows gratitude By living the lesson Whoever has Brains to think Shows gratitude By choos...