
Showing posts with the label Sustainable Development Goals

Musings: Volunteer for Sustainability

Opt To serve Volunteer  To grow Opt To lead Volunteer To follow Opt  To farm Volunteer To grow Opt To wait Volunteer  To go Opt To learn Volunteer To grow Opt To watch Volunteer To tend  Opt  To read Volunteer  To grow Opt To act Volunteer  To have Opt To think Volunteer To grow Opt  To thank Volunteer To smile Opt To change Volunteer  To grow Opt To live Volunteer To speak ... Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David

Musings: Between Pricey and Priceless

What is despised By humans May be truly signficant By nature What is esteemed By humans May be truly despicable By nature What is fashionable By humans May be truly outdated By nature What is priced By humans May be really invaluable By nature What is nought By humans May be really something By nature What is dated By humans May be really current By nature What is problematic  By humans May be truly fortunate By nature What is nutrition By humans May be truly poison By nature What is funny By humans May be truly serious By nature What is loved  By humans May be really loathsome By nature  What is popular  By humans May be really base By nature What is deemed waste By humans May be really wealth By nature ... Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David

Espousing the Culture of Sustainability

Culture is everything. More than you may realise, culture engineers the entire global economy. The wheels of culture drive day-to-day decisions of economic agents in the global space, viz: individuals, households,  firms, governments, and institutions.  Here are some scenarios of pervasive culture: Wherever the culture of superstition prevails, the awareness creation about evil forces tends to be more pronounced than the knowledge of good forces. Wherever the culture of mediocrity prevails, how we are seen and perceived tends to become more important than how we actually are when no one is censor. Wherever the culture of slavery prevails, the people tend to be habitually intimidated and coerced into submission. Wherever the dragon culture in enterprise prevails, the substance of humanity may not count and draconian including shaming policies tend to rule the day. Wherever the culture of competition prevails, the pursuit of short-term self-interest tends to over ride the concer...

Happy New Year 2022

Transformational turning points are the real 'new years', every other movement along the continuum of time is just for keeping the records.  Economies, individiduals, households, firms, governments, and institutions  can experience my concept of a 'new year' at whatever point in time they decide to effect game-changing ideas, policies, and structural changes, however minuscule. Check through business cases as well as economic history and you will observe how some nations advanced in development while their counterparts stagnated or retrogressed through time. Some firms from yesteryears are now defunct because they simply refused to innovate in development strategy. So, if you, unlike me, decided to commence 2022 with a static business-as-usual mindset, then it is not your own 'new year' yet. You would have to start yours at a later time. It is my deep seated hope that you will not be caught napping, flying with worn wings that need replacement. With no structura...

Planning to Develop: The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation

Against the background of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals, it is evident that there is a global will to make a success of the development process across countries. However, individual countries need a will to prepare for sustainable development. This speaks to the inevitable role of national development planning in the development process. While embracing market liberalization strategies and other popular policy propositions of international financial institutions, for instance, governments must keep in mind that the market does not have all the answers. Particularly so in developing countries of Africa where living standards are low, institutional frameworks are weak, income inequality is high and in-country spatial inequality is widespread. Zambia is one African country among several which has experienced woes associated with a blind adoption of ‘Invisible Hand’ policy options. Its fourth development plan was aborted at a point when it felt the time was...

A New Dawn: SDGs, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Beginning today Friday 25 th through Sunday 27 th September 2015, Heads of State and Government and High representatives will meet at the 70 th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York to ratify the blue print of the post-2015 Development Agenda – Sustainable Development Goals. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development focuses on transforming the world with a focus on 5 Ps – People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. The blueprint is indeed a product of conscientious consultations involving various stakeholders deliberating and debating various thematic and sub-thematic issues. The Task Force improved on the consultative processes that birthed the MDGs. Consequently, the SDGs are a product of wider and more inclusive consultations on elements essential to creating the World We Want by 2030. Also, in many ways the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seeks to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what it could no...