
Showing posts with the label littering

Campaign Against Littering in Nigeria, CALi Nigeria

Today, I launch a change initiative, C ampaign A gainst L ittering i n Nigeria (CALi Nigeria). I have a dream to see a litter-free Nigeria where everyone young and old, male and female sees littering as an unacceptable and evil behaviour.  The objective of the Campaign is to create awareness on the environmental hazards associated with littering behaviour in Nigerians and the Nigerian environment. Very important is changing the perspective that littering is an acceptable behaviour.  Simply defined, littering is making places messy by strewing garbage around; it is making places or areas untidy with rubbish or objects left lying about.  I am just tired of getting angry every time I see littered environments and people walking past litters without a thought to pick them up to dispose them off properly. So I thought to do something about it.  I had even begun to conduct a research investigation into the phenomenon. However, since littering...