Culture is everything. More than you may realise, culture engineers the entire global economy. The wheels of culture drive day-to-day decisions of economic agents in the global space, viz: individuals, households, firms, governments, and institutions. Here are some scenarios of pervasive culture: Wherever the culture of superstition prevails, the awareness creation about evil forces tends to be more pronounced than the knowledge of good forces. Wherever the culture of mediocrity prevails, how we are seen and perceived tends to become more important than how we actually are when no one is censor. Wherever the culture of slavery prevails, the people tend to be habitually intimidated and coerced into submission. Wherever the dragon culture in enterprise prevails, the substance of humanity may not count and draconian including shaming policies tend to rule the day. Wherever the culture of competition prevails, the pursuit of short-term self-interest tends to over ride the concer...