
Showing posts with the label Structural transformation; Household Production; Time Poverty

Who is poor?

I think the time-poor are the real poor. I have been a student of development economics for about a decade now. In these ten short years, I have come to realise that poverty goes beyond being deprived of income and basic necessities of life. Deprivation to me is merely a consequence of a state of real poverty, that is, time poverty. People who are time-poor ultimately have minimal resources with which to create a decent quality of life for themselves and those they love. They tend to have limited time to allocate to activities that could enhance their human capital, social capital, financial capital and ability to contribute to global community development.   The reality of poverty can be seen in the way people utilize their daily time resource. Even though every activity is important to the progress of every economic unit in the macro economy, some activities yield more market value than other activities. In any case, econo...