
Showing posts with the label Leviticus26

Strategic Retribution and Intelligent Scattering

Whenever nations smartly orchestrate the building of monuments to gird against the eternal purpose of the Most High, He shows up to defend His established plans. Who can hold back a people God intended to scatter everywhere He wills? Take a lesson from the tower builders at Babel. Moreover, whenever nations exalt themselves against the Most High, rejecting His standards and following the dictates and desires of their own hearts, they get every just retribution He thinks they deserve: Their hearts begin to grow faint when no one is terrifying them. Their cruel enemies defeat them in battle. Invaders and looters ravage their territory and cart away with their wealth. Persons who hate the people are made to rule and reign over them, wearing false cloaks of leadership. Oppressors and manipulators will enslave and impoverish them by making them bow to dumb and lifeless  idols and desires. Some will begin to flee away from homeland in frustration when no one is pursuing them. Others will...