What happened to fruits security?

As we celebrate the 2020 #WorldFoodDay today, I am reminded of my yummy love of a variety of fruits as part of my daily diet. Fruits and fibre are essential to keep healthy and active from day-to-day. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a daily intake of at least 400g of fruits and vegetables [equivalent to five (5) portions] as a preventive measure for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The recommended basket of fruits and vegetables intake will ensure everyone meets their daily body needs for dietary fibre. Being a stickler for development, food security and the welfare of the urban and rural poor, I had begun to ask questions. For instance, can a typical Nigerian household afford 400g of fruits and vegetables for every member of the household? Some previous research shows that the staples diet in many Nigerian homes, as may be the case in several other African households, tends to the carbohydrate-heavy. For children, age 0-5 years, who need bal...