The Rich Own The Trade

As I think through this Yoruba proverb 'olówó ĺó lòwò', I am humbled at how three words have sufficient substance to make a thousand speeches and fill a million lines. This proverb literally means "it is the rich that owns the trade", whatever trade that is. Can we cross-examine the verity of this simply stated fact? Which countries dominate global trade? See the figure on world trade statistics, facts speak for themselves. Doesn't the rich control the time of the poor. Every human is endowed with a 24-hour day. Nevertheless, the rich tend to wield adequate economic power required to buy up more hours to their productive advantage. Many poor people can only sell their time to survive. Isn't it the rich that can create enough time to think, strategise, and flood our bookshelves? Who are those sane enough to want read whatever the poor may have to say, because they know it is instructive? The rich own large estates and living spaces that the working poor dream ...