Empirics of Fiscal Policy: A Primer for Success

In every economy, there are a variety of economic agents. These agents fall into five (5) broad classifications: A. Individuals B. Households C. Firms D. Governments E. Institutions Each economic agent makes decisions and engages in a variety of activities in pursuit of a core objective. Individuals are assumed to seek utility maximization while households work to attain a desired living standard. Firms tend to have a range of objectives as they adapt to their dynamic business environment, but it is traditional for for-profit firms to seek to maximise profit. Governments exist to maximise their social welfare functions while institutions are established to entrench justice and peace in all human relationships. Governments retain the priviledge to create and maintain institutions that sustain socio-economic life within territorial boundaries across the planet. In other to maximise social welfare, governments make decisions and take actions to grow and sustain economic health and we...