Social Media and the Economics of Words

A proliferation in the use of social media has increased the rate at which news and information spreads across communities in the shrinking global space. Throughout history we can observe how careless words have resulted in war and conflicts as well as how thoughtful and soothing words have promoted peace and reconciliation. While some economic agents seek to sell products, ideas and information fast, many may also use fake news and information to attract traffic to their web pages. During times like this, when societies and households are hurting from effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and internal conflicts in their economies, the world needs healing and restoration of lost fortunes. In 2021 and beyond, even as we employ social media tools to advance our noble causes, let us express our true humanity via our daily demonstration of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, self control and meekness. Moreover, while we employ social media tools to advance our noble...