Grateful Spring

I am grateful for the gift of true friends. True friendships last throughout a lifetime, through thick and thin, sunshine and rain. Friendships that end never really started. In life's journey, distance may be necessary, but true friends maintain a heart full of goodwill throughout a lifetime. I am always learning to be better at all I am. ... I am grateful for the precious gift of family. Family is the first compulsory school the Governor of life admitted us into. I am grateful for the invaluable tutors appointed for me, who simply and seamlessly live out their lesson notes. I am grateful for my first house mates and co-learners. In siblings we tend to encounter every kind of character or attitude we may experience later in wider society. I am grateful for the privilege of being loved and catered for without having to earn it. If I once felt entitled, now I feel more responsible to be family-friendly, even in my outlook, research, and advocacy. I am also grateful for friend...