
Showing posts with the label institutions

When Princes(s) Lead, Nigeria Wins!

When wolves lead The sheep scatter in ignorance When a shepherd leads The herd lean on green pastures When the wicked lead People are plundered When justice leads The lost glory is restored When oppressors lead People flee their homeland  When leaders lead The exile return with joy  When the enemy leads People groan When leaders lead The nation rejoice When slaves lead People slip into bondage  When righteousness leads People know liberty  When looters lead The rich become poor When builders lead The poor become rich  When foreigners lead Citizens become estranged When leaders lead Citizenship becomes valued When the selfish lead People become restless When generosity rules People become satisfied When lies lead People lose hope  When truth leads People live by faith When ambition leads Eyes acquire blurry scales When vision leads The blind can see  When idols lead  Orators become dumb When the anointed one leads The stammerer speaks plainly ...

Projects are Time Poor

The rich Is stable enough The poor Is shaky enough Where is the middle The leader Is big enough The follower Is small enough Where is the middle The industry Is wide enough The household  Is narrow enough Where is the middle ... Belts hold the waist Rulers bridge the gap Titles tend the herd Saviours hold the stake Where is the project #SDG16

Nation Building is Not Tea Party

Governance structure, infrastructure, intrastructure, and culture can and should be customised to each country context.  Laundry lists and consensus governmental frameworks sold by thought leaders in developed countries should never be adopted without reckoning unique domestic realities of developing countries. A rethink is necessary to adapt any good element gleaned from other economies. For a country like Nigeria with over 250 ethnic nationalities, 500 languages, and widespread ethnic fractionalisation, national leaders must develop and implement a unifying vision and regional governance structure to create a wholesome national culture.  Otherwise, internal conflicts and cessationist calls stirred by segments of the country that feel marginalised would continue to deter development and investment prospects of the country. Decades of implementing an unfit governance framework has only intensified conflicts and slowed the pace and pattern of development. Without needing to rei...

Check Business Sustainability Practices

The African continent is fast becoming a hub for global investments in financial services, energy generation, goods manufacturing, sanitation and waste management, real estate development, construction, agro-processing, IT development, media and entertainment amongst several others. Consequent to this, African governments urgently need to move beyond promoting investments and creating favourable local business climates that are conducive for foreign direct investments.  I think it is more imperative and welfare-enhancing to build and maintain institutions that effectively and sustainably regulate business practices as well as protect consumers and the environment.  For instance, while the recent growth in the financial services sector, powered by vibrant indigenous and foreign-vested fintechs, has increased competition and innovation in the financial services sector, more is to be desired with respect to compliance with global best practices.  A survey of customer reviews...