
Showing posts with the label Financial inclusion

Mother Tongue, Identity and Inclusion

The simple fact that we pick up our mother tongue effortlessly signals the importance of secure motherhood in the construction of our identity. With #family-friendly policies, we can empower mothers to build social cohesion and mentally #healthy communities.  #MotherLanguageDay Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David

Nature and Gender Justice

Nature is just Let us all eat a humble pie Be still and learn from nature Nature is a silent instructor #Education #SocialJusticeDay #WorldDayOfSocialJustice #Nature #Gender #SDG5 #SDGs  Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David 

Financial Inclusion Aids Development

The world we occupy is vast and fascinating. Paths we walk are framed and mostly mapped. Many questions we ask have detours and answers. The future we need is possible and discoverable. Ideas and words that matter are borne through #human bodies. #financialinclusion #SDGs Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David 

In Finance, Newcomers, Old-timers Are Welcome

Whoever says newcomers are not welcome is certainly a cruel old-timer. The newcomers in the Nigerian finance market are certainly shaking complacent old-timers awake from their slumbering on status quo couches. We call these newcomers in finance,  fintechs. They tend to leverage modern technologies to provide seamless and bespoke financial services. In economies where financial sector growth had been abysmal and informal sector prevalent, the stream of new entrants in finance is refreshing breeze.  Most fintechs are not usually burdened with the costs of running a network of physical bank branches like counterpart old-timers, and their employees may as well work remotely. Whoever says driving primarily for profit is critical for new business is certainly not a newcomer seeking first to achieve a clientele benchmark. In order to woo clients, fintech offer advantages that many traditional bank models cannot afford. Fintech account subscription promotion strategies include bonuse...