What Ails the Paradox?

What is the artist Doing within the box What is the homemaker Doing in the boardroom What is the judge Doing under the tree What is the shepherd Doing by a well What is the fish Doing on dry ground What is the rooster Picking from the river What is the fierce lion Doing within the street What is the donkey Doing in the zoo What is the teacher Doing on the farm What is the tale Doing in the silence What is the carpenter Doing with a boat What is the seat Doing in the marketplace What is the eye Doing on the ground What is the ear Doing with a plug What is the bird Doing in the cage What is the owl Doing at midday What is the fly Doing in the house What is the star Doing in the sunlight What is the newborn Doing with bones What is the aged Doing with milk What is the table Doing on its head What is the servant Doing in the valley What is the money Doing with the rich What is the mantis Doing on the stove ...