FBOs and African Development

This week, while looking through shelves to pick out some pre-searched books in development economics and macroeconomics from a University Library, I came by a title on the role of religious organisations in African development. At that instant, I was reminded that I had once thought out the inevitable role of piety in the development of religious Africa. In order to design appropriate and effective interventions for Africa, it is necessary to study the culture and structure of the average African personality. In recent history, economic agents, who seek to take advantage of the fearful, insecure and superstitious African, have been observed to design appropriate media messages, methods, and materials that perpetrate their trade. Using fundamental brainwashing tactics, religious extremists reck a lot of havoc on the minds and perspectives of adherents. The monumental damages to human lives and infrastructure, engineered by such religious devotees can be observed throughout Africa. Furt...