
Showing posts with the label prosperity

Becoming Nigeria

Birth Nigeria  And pursue her peace Refine Nigeria Excuse and silence impurities Build Nigeria And engineer her change Make Nigeria Excuse and silence indolence Bless Nigeria And fulfill her purpose Grow Nigeria Excuse and silence poverty Breed Nigeria And light her lamp Enlighten Nigeria Excuse and silence mental slavery Be Nigeria And restore her hope Lift Nigeria Excuse and silence mediocrity

Nigeria: Transformed By The Almighty's Famous Mercy

Transformed from weakness into strength! Transformed from order break downs into a breakthrough enabling environment!  Transformed from veiled and blind faced nation into a visionary nation! Transformed from being perceived as a dangerous zone into being the safest place on the planet! Transformed from having just enough to get by to being breadwinner of other nations! Transformed from beggarly debtor nation into a merciful creditor nation! Transformed from mourning moans into estatic dancing! Transformed from sickness into wholesome health! Transformed from being tagged a 'shit-hole nation' into being the toast of many lovers and well wishers! Transformed from down cast country into exalted country! Transformed from fragile state into steady, tranquil, and peaceful territory! Transformed from being an impervious boundary into being a secure landmark! Transformed from an economic misery into an economic miracle! Transformed from shame and shamefacedness into glorious liberty! T...

Moving Beyond Poverty-Laced Certificates

It is indeed a pessimistic fact that Africa may have 90% of the world's poor by 2030. However, lessons from history point to an optimistic future. Our colonial masters thought out a system of education that churns out experts and managers for established business systems, political order, and constricted economic structures. Here is our 21st century outcome: a teeming population of entitled 'educated unemployed' people with nothing more than certificates to brandish. Moreover, with Africa's ever growing population and relatively stagnant absorptive and industrial capacity, our rising unemployment and poverty rates should not be surprising.  My stance is that Africa and its development thinkers can forge and institute sustainable systems of re-orientation, critical and creative thought, and balanced education that can release empowered nation-builders and wealth creators.  Africa has all the creative, human, and natural resources it needs to minimise its incidence of pov...

Working for Peace

Where there is conflict, we need people who work for unity-in-diversity. Where there is negativism, we need people who work to relentlessly infuse optimism. Where there is widespread poverty, we need people who work to create enterprise. Where there is confusion, we need people who work to shine the light. Where there is ignorance, we need people who work to provide wholesome enlightenment. Where there is needless war, we need people who work for #peace and still the violence. Today and always, I salute the courage and resilience of every peacekeeper (past, present and future) in the global space! Since peacekeeping is a global partnership, let us ALL work for the five 5Ps of sustainable development (#Peace, #Sharedprosperity, #People #Partnerships, #Planet) everywhere we are found. Yes we can! #internationaldayofpeacekeeping  United Nations  #savetheplanet #peacekeeping  #peace #prosperity #partnerships #businessclimate  #people #planet Photo credit: UN Peacekeeping...