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Musings: Inglorious Positions

Where lies the glory Of blind guides Inglorious is The temple with corrupt gates Where lies the savour  Of tasteless salt Inglorious is The meal with neutral seasoning Where lies the brightness  Of hidden light Inglorious is The lamp with retired flame Where lies the beauty  Of ugly spirit Inglorious is The pretty with empty heart Where lies the victory  Of weary soldiers Inglorious is The battle with little strength  Where lies the wealth Of working poor  Inglorious is The lowly with prideful look Where lies the goodness  Of ill wind Inglorious is The gift with no love Where lies the profit  Of busy ant Inglorious is The winter with meagre store  Where lies the path  Of tactless sea Inglorious is The voyage with sleepy sailor Where lies the future  Of ignorant youth Inglorious is The book with little history Where lies the vision  Of blurry eyes Inglorious is The zeal with little knowledge Where lies the wisdom  Of miry c...