Wigged Up and Socially Acceptable

Examinations are regular in a University's academic calender, just as scheduled lectures. While invigilating examinations, one has the opportunity to move round a venue and keep an investigative eye on rows of candidates. During one of such exercises, I looked over the heads of all the candidates who sat an exam and observed differences in hair styling and presentation. Male candidates wore low haircuts which looked somewhat uniform, however on females, there were a variety of hairstyle presentations with and without hair extensions. While I walked along a aisle during a particular invigilation assignment, I noticed a female candidate who had taken out a wig she had on and placed it on her writing table, thereby revealing unkempt cornrows. With a prompt low-tone reprimand, I made her realise that it was unacceptable to have such an exhibit, other than her writing materials on the examination desk. She could either keep the heated wig on or find a place for it in her bag located in...