
Showing posts with the label nation building

Nation Building is Not Tea Party

Governance structure, infrastructure, intrastructure, and culture can and should be customised to each country context.  Laundry lists and consensus governmental frameworks sold by thought leaders in developed countries should never be adopted without reckoning unique domestic realities of developing countries. A rethink is necessary to adapt any good element gleaned from other economies. For a country like Nigeria with over 250 ethnic nationalities, 500 languages, and widespread ethnic fractionalisation, national leaders must develop and implement a unifying vision and regional governance structure to create a wholesome national culture.  Otherwise, internal conflicts and cessationist calls stirred by segments of the country that feel marginalised would continue to deter development and investment prospects of the country. Decades of implementing an unfit governance framework has only intensified conflicts and slowed the pace and pattern of development. Without needing to rei...

Musings: The Priority of Homeland Security

No place Like home No sweet Like fatherland No journey Like home No trophy  Like now No mountain Like home No valley Like motherland No wool Like home No warmth Like fatherland No fireplace Like home No cooler Like now No meal Like home No drink Like motherland No market Like home No goods Like fatherland No playground Like home No work Like now No school  Like home No certificate Like motherland No idea Like home No nurture Like fatherland No season Like home No time Like now No work Like home No power Like motherland ... Photo credit: Wikipedia/ Nigeria

Musings: This is Culture

I am rare I am wholesome I am matter I am valued I am worthy of trust I always do mankind good I seek raw material I willingly work I am like a trader I am loaded with offerings I bring from a distance I am loaded, and so are mine I come from a depth I walk on knowledge seas  I rise in busts I shine at night I provide nourishment I am a house holder I provide portions I serve attendants I am a steward I am attended to I consider one field I purchase one field I am profit-in-person I don't seek what I already am I plant My fruits are life-giving I gird myself I am surrounded with strength I strengthen my arms I know my tools I am perceptive My offerings are good I am full of fuel I am empty of pride My energy is secure, clean, sustainable, and renewable. I stretch I am global I locally hold I handle with skill I extend and expand I reach out I know my audience I love my territory I guard my air I am clothed I am settled and so are mine I am fearless I am sorted and so are mine. I ha...

The Falsity of Job Security

In a dynamic global economy programmed with inevitable economic cycles of booms and busts, job security is a technical falsity. To my mind, 'job holding' sounds more realistic. In any and every job you ever hold, only your invaluable contributions may keep you employed for the long haul, if you choose to remain a placeholder. According to a Nigerian adage credited to the Yorubas, "it is the office that actually succeeds every officeholder". So, even if you lose a job during an 'unfavourable' economic cycle of recession, please do not despair. The skills you have built while you held a job can guarantee your sustainable development, IF ONLY you can think deep and through enough. The twin assets of skills and wholesome faith, if productively engaged, can keep you smiling through all business cycles.