
Showing posts with the label Inclusion

Bias Glass is Fragile

When all the fanfare is over, in a patriarchal world with patriarchal norms, only just men can esteem women implicitly and promote family-friendly gender bills, even when the women are unavailable to defend their own cause. Breaking the bias can begin with those whose thought processes are not distorted with insecurities, fallacies, and half-truths.  Breaking the bias means elevating reason and logical competence over prejudice. In any previously colonised state like Nigeria and most of Africa, breaking the bias may require a cultural reset, an ideological shift, and a concerted reorientation programme. Culture being how we judge behaviour, the manner of our reasoning and what informs our decisions. In our humanity, we can all humbly acknowledge the varying leadership roles men, as well as women, play in the domestic and global economy. This may require that we prize effective partnerships over and above a base struggle for supremacy in our functional roles. United in our diversity...

IWD2022: Dealing Better

Crowding out Spells stale business Spread effect Is a better deal Oppression Spells stale process Liberal truth Is a better deal Exclusion Spells stale governance Inclusion Is a better deal Abuse Spells stale mouthpiece Frank Is a better deal Impunity Spells stale politics Justice Is a better deal As usual Spells stale economy Change Is a better deal Restless Spells stale system Rejuvenate Is a better deal Poverty Spells stale wealth  Community Is a better deal Racism Spells stale culture United diversity Is a better deal Bearish Spells stale faith  Bullish Is a better deal Compete Spells bad perspective Complement Is a better deal Intrusion Spells bad judgement Invitation Is a better deal ...

Little Counts As a Number

Poverty is a robber Stealing treasures of time And sinking gold in oceans deep Wealth is a dreamer Sleeping out the day And thinking through the night Patience is a sickler Attending regular examinations  And grateful for the nurses Hurry is a depressed bug Stinging every passerby And keeping up with joneses  Folly is a shoddy builder Founding towers on sand And ķilling unsuspecting allies Wisdom is a traveller Packed with all little essentials And following through ancient paths Sloth is a boastful buyer Despising the good price And choosing the bad ones Diligence is a steady sun Lighting the open day And returning for evening rest Revenge is a dark alley Accommodating wild and crazy beasts Digging pits that drown themselves Mercy is a beggar Pleading only for token kindness And giving bottomless smiles Falsehood is a windstorm Sinking weak ship sterns And wasting precious lives Truth is a loaf Feeding many hungry poor  And opening blind eyes ... Photo credit: Oluyomi Ol...

Mother Tongue, Identity and Inclusion

The simple fact that we pick up our mother tongue effortlessly signals the importance of secure motherhood in the construction of our identity. With #family-friendly policies, we can empower mothers to build social cohesion and mentally #healthy communities.  #MotherLanguageDay Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David

Nature and Gender Justice

Nature is just Let us all eat a humble pie Be still and learn from nature Nature is a silent instructor #Education #SocialJusticeDay #WorldDayOfSocialJustice #Nature #Gender #SDG5 #SDGs  Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David