Latecomer Development Can Be More Sustainable

Having now experienced life on both fast and slow lanes, cooking on both fast and slow cookers, my preference is for the slow and steady options in life. When I see speedy 'arrivals', I am more careful to consider its processes and procedures, than thrilled by the euphoria of success. The early industrializers and their technologies wrought tremendous damages to the planet. Also, the spirit of capitalism and greed for profit tends to erode our humanity and concern for goodwill and peaceful coexistence. Latecomers and laggards in development, otherwise known as developing countries, can leverage cleaner technologies, innovation and knowledge to industrialize sustainably. Development should not be another rat race. Slowly, steadily and sustainably, we can build circular economies, save the planet and revive our humanity. Yes we can. #sustainable development #savetheplanet #circulareconomy #people #industrialization #transformation