
Showing posts from March, 2021

Poetry Good for Development

With thoughts sometimes deep like sea With bright lamps that help us see With spoken lines that clarify paths for our feet Do literary sages through ages greet Words that give hope to our poor and liberate us to soar Calm storms that rage, stirring love and not hate Open blind eyes to united diversity and shuts out abuse of humanity Heal hearts that bleed is all the poetry we may need Poetry can be useful for global development. Therefore, no word that demeans human potential and enslave should come to the birth table.  Words that bring #peace, shared prosperity is #poetry good for #sustainabledevelopment. #WorldPoetryDay 2021 #sustainabledevelopment #peace Photo credit:UNESCO

Gating Opportunities: Ageism and Lame Exclusion

Have you ever been excited reading a perfect-fit opportunity needed to advance your career, just to find out to your utter dismay that you are simply not age-eligible? If yes, then you have had a one-to-one encounter with ageism. Ageism describes conditions of exclusion of and discrimination against a particular age-group. No one should ever feel or be made to feel unable, damaged, or inappropriate for a productive activity just because of their age. Nothing may beat the synergy of experience and benefit of hindsight provided by the aged with the vigour and resilience of youth in advancing socio-economic progress. All governance systems and structures, from households and firms to state and global institutions, need to recognise that missed opportunities in time can be recovered with equal chances for ALL. We can all work to maintain a world for all ages. Yes we can. #Inclusion #global campaign to combat ageism #ageism @UNDecadeAgeing @Davos @UN Photo credit: UNDecadeAgeing

Drawbacks of Premature Deindustrialisation

With a services-sector led growth, gains from industrialisation to Africa are few and far between. No country in Africa should miss out on the benefits of sustainable industrial development. Nonetheless, secure and stable energy infrastructure are enablers of private manufacturing. Also, Africa urgently needs an upgrade of technical skills required to boost current manufacturing output and industry capabilities. With the baseline manpower, a forceful political will and enabling energy-secure environments can serve as important drivers of manufacturing output. #services #energy security #manufacturing #governance #industrialisation #environment #clean energy Photo credit: Deloitte

Asking Questions: Series 1

Questions on my mind: * Which mechanisms are necessary to ensure that every Nigerian state and region can achieve food security? * What agro technologies can be employed to produce food and fruits for which available land is not suitable? * To what extent can infrastructural and business investments in ranches reduce herder/farmer crisis? * What urgent policies can demonstrate the government's political will in curbing crisis in Nigeria's livestock agriculture sub-sector? * How can we provide more equal opportunities for women in every sector, or wherever they choose to serve? * What structures, infrastructures, intrastructures, cultures (SIIC) sicken women and girls development & how can these be abolished? * What mechanisms will be effective to amplify support for the care economy? ...the list goes on... #agriculture #women #digital economy #equality #tourism and emissions #sustainabledevelopment #careeconomy Photo credit: Women Health Mag

The Household Economy is Good Business

The household economy is the cradle of development in all human societies. Whatever goes amiss or aright in the household economy tend to impact on the macroeconomy and extend to the global economy. As local and global governance institutions come to recognise the fundamental mechanisms of the household economy, care economy and their agents, they move to advance family-friendly policies and equality of opportunity in the interest of sustainable development. Given that inequities breed chaos, conflict, and stifle socio-economic progress, all households, corporates, governments, global institutions and their agents, should prioritise the vulnerable in day-to-day considerations and seek improvements in quality of life for all. The household economy is good business. #householdeconomics #decisionmaking #familyfriendlypolicies International Labour Organization #globalcompact Photo credit: Rowman and Littlefield

Mothering Poverty Capitals With Wholesome Education

Even when equal opportunities exist, all forms of poverty may persist due to individuals' attitude to chances, choices and consequences.  Nevertheless, when inequality of opportunity is entrenched in our economic structure and culture, we inadvertedly aggravate the incidence and prevalence of poverty in our societies.  If developing countries would cease being the poverty capitals of the world, they must urgently prioritise structures, infrastructures, intrastructures and cultures (SIIC) that establish equality of opportunity for all.  To further the 'People' component of sustainable development, such economies can work to create equality of opportunity for women as well as men, boys and girls, mothers as well as fathers, youths and elders, rich and poor.  In furtherance of this, we can work to provide wholesome household solutions and social education on how to recognize opportunities, make wise decisions and await their actionable consequences. #businessclimate...

Hybrid Employment and the Future of Work

In a world of uncertainties, it is becoming more unrealistic to categorise employment statuses of a working population into the dichotomies of formal sector and informal sector employment.  Notably, the frequency and volume of job losses during the COVID-19 pandemic contributes to the increasingly speculative behaviour of the labour force. Consequently, human resources employed in specialised formal sectors of domestic and global economies may have diversified interests and investments in aspects of the informal economy or other formal sectors. This gives rise to what I term the phenomenon of  'hybrid employment'. This reality has implications for   governance institutions at the individual, household, firm, government and global level. More pungent is the effect on time poverty and health of the labour force. We can rethink and shape the present nature and future of work for the sustainability of human development. Photo credit: Deloitte

Kidneys and the Global Economy

As we celebrate World Kidney Day today, I am reminded of the vital role played by hidden elements of the intricate human body. Arguably, kidneys are essential for the efficient functioning of the global economy!  Surely they are; healthy and productive human resources are the most valuable resources and inputs on the planet.  Sustainable growth, socio-economic development and technological progress are borne by the minds and on shoulders of the global population. We can ensure that our consumption and lifestyle decisions are economically rational, considerate and in favour of our long-run health and sustainable development. #WorldKidneyDay @ WHO #sustainable development Photo credit: Adobe Stock

Choosing to Challenge Time Poverty

Every question deserves an appropriate answer, just as every problem needs a solution. The perpetual existence of the poor class throughout the ages, regardless of geographical location, is a threat to shared prosperity on the planet. Notably, several development interventions and social enterprise solutions, which target the income-poor and opportunity-poor, have have been created and deployed. Most are designed to enhance quality of life of the poor and break intergenerational poverty cycles. Moreover, sustainability-driven enterprise can leverage technology to address myriad problems of time-poor people on the planet. Empirical literature is replete with evidence on incidences of time-poverty across income groups and geographical boundaries. As more men and women choose to challenge their status quo, pursue long lost dreams and manage households, careers and businesses across the world, they tend to become more time-poor. Consequently, bespoke products, services, and solutions ...

She Stoops to Conquer

There is a genius in every child. As we mark this year's International Women's Day, let us recognise the role of home education in sustainable development, with parents as examples, tutors and guides.  Household systems and structures, culture and lifestyle could serve as enabling environments for the discovery of every child's bent and life path.   Throughout human history, women's involvement in household affairs tend to be transformational, with demonstrated capacity to incubate dreams from pupa to butterfly. Also, effective male leadership and participation is essential in the household production of balanced and well-adjusted children. Whether by stooping to serve, or rising to lead, all hands of men as well women must be on the deck to raise the next generation of wholesome global citizens. For the future of sustainable development, let us take action one day at a time. Photo credit: UNESCO

Ending Inequalities: The Future of Sustainable Development

Every child, girl or boy and irrespective of household income, deserves wholesome education as well as a safe environment for peer-to-peer social interaction, learning and balanced development. Children should have access to wholesome education, that help harness their innate abilities and promote their national heritage. Children should be living in safe & secure environments with family who care about their tripartite development. Internal conflicts, abductions, abuse of socio-economic and political power disrupt this social order. Children are NOT tools for crime. Children are the future of sustainable development in all societies. #End Inequalities #Peace #Security #Safe School Initiative #savethechildren Save the Children International UNICEF UNESCO Photo credit: UNAIDS

Living legacies

Better the wounds of a True Friend, than kisses of an enemy. Better the incubating womb of a servant, than the crushing words of a tyrant. Better the wealth of a poor giver than the riches of a robber.  Better the living legacy of a departed tree, than the dead fruits of a living root. ♡ SELAH ♡ While efforts by philanthropists, civil society organisations and non-profits towards advancing racial equity are laudable, there is more to be desired. Beyond philanthropy, a restructuring of prevailing economic systems, structures and cultures that created the observable inequalities in the global space is necessary. This may include providing inequality-reducing enterprise and policy solutions and human race value-reorientation. What are your thoughts on building transgenerational legacies? Photo credit: RAND Corporation

Right and Good Governance: Simple Yet Complex

The paradox of simplicities and complexities in the universal human nature requires effectively woven socio-economic and political systems to be satiated. For this reason, right and good governance advocacy should be in 5-dimensions, FIHGG: 1. Individual governance 2. Household governance 3. Firm governance 4. Government governance 5. Global governance Clearly, individual and household governance performance ratings influence all other dimensions.  It is thus imperative that we become more basic yet complex in the design, implementation and evaluation of all development interventions. What are your thoughts on good governance dimensions? Please feel free to share your thoughts in comments section below. Thank you! Photo credit: Canstock photo