
Showing posts from May, 2021

Working for Peace

Where there is conflict, we need people who work for unity-in-diversity. Where there is negativism, we need people who work to relentlessly infuse optimism. Where there is widespread poverty, we need people who work to create enterprise. Where there is confusion, we need people who work to shine the light. Where there is ignorance, we need people who work to provide wholesome enlightenment. Where there is needless war, we need people who work for #peace and still the violence. Today and always, I salute the courage and resilience of every peacekeeper (past, present and future) in the global space! Since peacekeeping is a global partnership, let us ALL work for the five 5Ps of sustainable development (#Peace, #Sharedprosperity, #People #Partnerships, #Planet) everywhere we are found. Yes we can! #internationaldayofpeacekeeping  United Nations  #savetheplanet #peacekeeping  #peace #prosperity #partnerships #businessclimate  #people #planet Photo credit: UN Peacekeeping...

Childlike Leaders of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Racial and gender troubles begin when we lose our sweet innocence to subtle pride. Human development slows when we sacrifice family-friendly policies for economic correctness.  Human conflicts persists when we give up childlike cooperative play for unfair competitive struggles. The human mindset stagnates when we sell off our childlike curiosity for the bread of ancient arrogance. Human vices escalate when we drop the baton of childlike contentment to run on greedy sprints. Our humanity wanes when we put out the childlike flames of hope for a cold stove of despair. The human race will blossom peacefully when we stay childlike and circular to save the planet.  Happy children's day to all Nigerian children and: ○ all who dare to remain children at heart; ○ all who esteem childlike love, hope, and faith; ○ all who care to save the children. #childrensday #circulareconomy #sustainabledevelopment #savethechildren #peace #wholesomeeducation #savetheplanet Photo credit: Lantern Books...

Ant Investors

Have you ever stopped to observe hard working and orderly ants? Truth be told, they are some of the most focused, independent, courteous worker-investors you may find on the block. I usually wonder if humans and human society can beat the tenacity of ants and resilience of ant kingdoms. Ants troop round the clock to store up what humans deem mere droppings, left overs and waste. They are quick and good sniffers of booms just as they are smart and diligent planners for busts. All these they do without supervisory oversight. Ants also thrive within a network of fellow disciplined soldiers at war with poverty, penury, and deprivaty. While walking along a path, you may observe the worker ant halting intermittently to hail   counterparts walking towards them. Perhaps it is a vital pause to  pick valuable notes for the journey. Professing ants build solidarity amongst their work kin and form happy teams in order to share the burdens of lifting a great catch to the colony. They ...

Africa's Bright Dawn

Africa is a continent of beautiful and bright colours, with rich and diverse cultures, and a promising young population; all of these assets contribute to its prospects for growth and development. Even though the scars of self-hatred subtly engineered by colonial rule and dependence may abide in the mindset and lifestyle of the average African, there is hope for development on the continent and wholesome expression of African dignity. Africa's many development challenges, from energy insecurity and low manufacturing capacity to poor healthcare investments are only opportunities for forward-looking investors.  For instance, many indigenous and foreign-vested firms are currently facilitating enterprise development through the provision of technology-enabled business and personal finance solutions. Thus, improving access to finance, which was once touted the main obstacle to business start-ups and growth on the continent. As African individuals, households, firms, and governments incr...

Touring Home

The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns dealt a huge blow to tourism, tourism receipts, and the production of goods and services in the global tourism value-chain. This came with implications for income and employment.  On the other hand, the pandemic may have facilitated an increase in the demand for services offered by local logistics firms and local tourist destinations. This is highly probable because immobile individuals and households need more doorstep delivery of goods and services. Even though the sharp drop in the frequency of international travels may have adversely affected accruals from tourism, it may have reduced the global rate of emissions usually reported in top-tourist destinations. As economies work towards recovery, domestic tourism-related service providers can work within the guidelines of COVID-19 regulations to generate bespoke vacation options for country residents. After all, there is no other place sweet like home. In many developing countries...

In Nature Are Our Solutions

We owe our serenity to nature We are indebted to keep it serene We owe our beauty to nature We are indebted to keep it beautiful We owe our breath to nature's air We are indebted to keep it clean & clear We owe our food to nature We are indebted to keep it nurtured We owe our future to nature We are indebted to keep it cultured, today ... Our #planet thrives when we look to nature for solutions, it cries when we seek innovations that damage its innocence. Today and always, let us all live peacefully with and stand for #biodiversity. Hearty Cheers #ForNature!!! #climateaction United Nations #savetheplanet #biodiversity Photo credit: United Nations

When The Tables Turn, You Muse

During the genesis periods of my academic career, I met a stream of angelic, sweet, and well meaning people, for whom I will always be grateful. One of these angels, we met during my first international travel ever, told me this in a paraphrase: You are a very young and bright scholar, please do not sit tight in the local corner of your Institution because there will be tendencies to do so. In an obedient response to this, I sought every opportunity to get out to international conferences, workshops, engagements, and network hunting. Truth be told, the fruits of my 'globe trotting' abides with me. Further along the road, another good counsellor said in a paraphrase: You need to choose which kind of academic you hope to be. Between being one that never misses a due promotion via an unflinching commitment to generating research products and being the regretful but administratively relevant academic crowd, who may stagnate for years unending, you will have to choose. In my prompt ...

Authentic Celebrity Trustees

Whenever an electorate bestows political #power, they grant the empowered permission to protect them. Whenever the #poor save for the rich, they grant moguls wealth to support their economies. Whenever a reader studies a line, they take permission to navigate the author's mind. Whenever the blind chooses a guide, they endow the #trustees with their ends. Whenever a human baby greets the #planet, it grants its guardians permission to parent it. Whenever #parents fail to prioritise wholesome #education, they create a legacy of chaos in #human societies. Many times the people who care the most about us and our future remain uncelebrated on the sidelines of history. So today my spotlight is on those heroic but silent: ♡ social protectors ♡ faithful trustees ♡ luminary guides ♡ thoughtful readers ♡ repentant listeners ♡ the industriously wealthy ♡ careful guardians ♡ true and living legacies I salute your courage!

Retaining PEST Rationality

Every lay student of human history from ancient times, can ascertain that it may not always be politically, economically, socially and technically (PEST) rational to make war against another territory, outside of a supreme just cause. In more cases than none, international conflicts have only done harm to the planet and our collective humanity. International conflicts and wars are neither economically viable nor value-creating, given post-war costs of reconstruction. Also, decades after needless internal conflicts, scars of backwardness and underdevelopment remain in the perspectives and social fabric of nations affected. Therefore, it makes more meaning for nations of people to dwell together in unity than to harbour a divisive diversity. Countries can work as global development partners, choosing to focus on economic cooperation, peaceful co-existence, and sustainable development rather than competitively wasting global resources. Moreover, whenever countries with superior technologi...

Families at Work

Age-old slavery began with the capture of territories and 'primitive' peoples, indoctrination in self-hatred and rebuilding of local economic systems to serve as feeders to conqueror empires. Modern slavery rides on the knowledge economy to capture invisible territories of human thought. As we celebrate the 2021 international day of families, we must increasingly recognise that families and households are: @ socio-economic agencies. @ fundamental units of development. @ informal schools for basic and wholesome education @ dealers in hope, faith, and peace or their alternatives @ governing decision boards that drive global consumption ... We can work to ensure that our family development policies craft a new breed  wholesome knowledge consumers, whose thoughts, words and actions can sustainably transform societies and nations. Photo credit: Association Montessori Internationale

Mothering for Sustainability

Mothering is an all-in-one career like none other Like mother nature mothers are always present even when absent Through spoken words or silent actions Whether by stooping to serve or rising to lead Mothers retain eternal relevance ... Mothers are: Development chairs, monitoring growth and instituting change Investors, priming futures while present in today Farmers, cultivating seeds into fruitful trees Management executives, harnessing every available resource for worthy ends Educators, indoctrinating a generation via actions and words Resilient lilies, thriving even in difficult places and circumstances ... Authentic mothers and mothering-minds are pivotal to the sustainability of our planet, the household economy, and the global economy. Let us stand up for mothers everywhere and those who mother well, today and always! Happy Mothers' Day! #sustainability United Nations Photo credit: Wikipaedia

History Matters for Balanced Development

Understanding history is critical to effectively navigate local and global development. How can we move with adapted knowledge in the global economy if we are bereft of perspectives from our history ? Development can be more inclusive and sustainable if we work with the benefit of hindsight as well as foresight. There are several African countries and nationals who may have lost an inner sense of history, identity, valuable indigenous culture while trying to live acceptably. Whether written, visual, or oral, lessons from history can be valuable for our social and economic restructuring and recovery. #wholesomeeducation #Africa UNESCO #history #teachhistory #sustainabledevelopment #senseofhistory #Nigeria Photo credit:

A Poetic Silence

It is human to acknowledge a loss It is human to seek solidarity for a worthy cause It is human to stop to ponder It is human to stand still for him who had gone yonder It is human to weep a saint who slept It is human to bow and be divinely felt It is human to rise for Christ-like neighbours It is human to wait for true Zion saviours It is divine to be one and the same, in public and in private It is human to seek to be divine in the house and at the gate

Choosing and Doing the Right Work

Most of the world's human activities can be broadly categorised into the tripartite forms of: productive work, reproductive work, and destructive work. Productive work contributes to the global basket of goods and services which enhance the well being of all people, places, plants and animals. Reproductive and care work builds the global stock of human resources needed to produce a variety of economic and non-economic activities that can sustain the peace and prosperity of the global economy. Destructive work constitute a gamut of bads, perspectives, and activities (including but not limited to: negativism, conflicts, violence and violation of humanity) that disrupt and diminish global capability to carry on peaceful, value-creating and welfare-promoting work. As we celebrate the 2021 International Labour Day, let us advance our capacity to do more productive, reproductive and care work while we earnestly seek to eradicate all commitments to destructive work, for the peace and shar...