Tough Climates School Resilient Businesses
Do you really need a MBA (Masters in Business Administration)? Then you may not really need to spend all that resource just for a certificate from Harvard Business School.
Just invest in moving your time, skills, healthy body, and resources to Nigeria.
All you will get is a real certification in business acumen plus a Masters in MBWAN (Management By Walking Around Nigeria).
Most assuredly, if you can learn to succeed at administering and doing business in Nigeria, then succeeding elsewhere is a piece of cake.
If you fail to succeed in Nigeria, then you may not really have any business doing business anywhere else.
Here is my bottomline: tough business climates are the real schools for educating, building and sustaining resilient businesses.
In addition, the imminent transformation in Nigeria will ensure that all other categories of value-creating businesses can survive and thrive.
Brace up!