Faith Fears God Alone
Ice meets the sun and melts away
Rivers make way for beautiful feet
Sea becomes a sturdy table of glass
Winds discern the owner
Sovereign majesty inspires awe
Wax meets fire and melts away
Butter melts down before heat
Flies disappear before burning light
Beasts steer clear of camp fire
Unwholesome desires fade away
Distraction meets focus and flees
Rebellion melts before the reverent
Underdevelopment sinks a multitude
Noise fades away before the voice
Vanity melts off before virtue
Earth meets the touch and melts away
Valley splits before the fire
Elements dissolve before fervency
Rocks rent into bits at one command
Yeast sniffs the creator and repents
Idols totter into oblivion
Mountains move and melt away
Bondage becomes a desolate hill
Filth melts in the furnace
Heart meets truth and looks up