Nigeria: Transformed By The Almighty's Famous Mercy
Transformed from weakness into strength!
Transformed from order break downs into a breakthrough enabling environment!
Transformed from veiled and blind faced nation into a visionary nation!
Transformed from being perceived as a dangerous zone into being the safest place on the planet!
Transformed from having just enough to get by to being breadwinner of other nations!
Transformed from beggarly debtor nation into a merciful creditor nation!
Transformed from mourning moans into estatic dancing!
Transformed from sickness into wholesome health!
Transformed from being tagged a 'shit-hole nation' into being the toast of many lovers and well wishers!
Transformed from down cast country into exalted country!
Transformed from fragile state into steady, tranquil, and peaceful territory!
Transformed from being an impervious boundary into being a secure landmark!
Transformed from an economic misery into an economic miracle!
Transformed from shame and shamefacedness into glorious liberty!
Transformed from the brink of death into a fully restored vibrant life!
Transformed from having epileptic power grids into having steadfast energetic and fully powered state!
Transformed from being a losing nation into being a winning nation!
Transformed from having terror-prone youths into having positively creative youths!
Transformed from raising travel-restricted nationals into raising fully loaded global citizens!
Transformed from a dirt-littered country into zero-waste circular economy!
Transformed from murmuring and complaining streets into joyful and grateful streets!
Transformed from being regarded as an eye sore into being regarded as heaven on earth!
Transformed from corrupt nation into transparent nation!
Transformed from poverty capital into prosperity capital of the global economy!
Transformed from being a despised heritage into a treasured heritage!
Transformed from being a net loser of human capital to being net gainer of human capital!
Nigeria's green and white flag will now be her lifestyle code.
The New Nigeria is alive! She is bubbling, fruitful and fabulous!
Behold, The New Nigeria is here!
Who no know before, now go now know!!!
Peace to your walls O Nigeria!
Prosperity be within your palaces O Nigeria!