Musings: When Ovation is Loudest

The performing artist

And faithful servant

As the righteous judge

Must know when to bow out

The roller coaster

And spinning wheel

As the vending robot

Must know when to cease awhile

The eloquent parrot

And stage genius

As the city gate

Must know when to keep shut

The cooking stove

And baking oven

As the blazing furnace

Must know when to burn down

The running sprinter

And enduring trekker

As the night owl 

Must know when to quit the day

The fruitful womb

And baby factory

As the green fields

Must know when to brown out

The busy street

And restless sea

As the midday sun

Must know when to go down

The burning lamp

And battle torch

As the shining star

Must know when to humbly dim

The swimming pool

And playing ground

As the day school

Must know when to empty out

The victorious soldier

And thinking general

As the worn workman

Must know when to go home

The people's choice

And ruler's boy

As the jungle lion

Must know when to roar a rest

The work horse

And steaming hothead

As the master's donkey

Must know when to return to stake


Photo credit: Oluyomi Ola-David 


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