The Decree: Aborted Ambitions
The wicked's quest to gain the reins of the Nigerian presidency in this season is like a woman's miscarriage which nevers sees the sun.
The wicked ones are aiming headless shafts as arrows, they cannot hit the target.
The wicked ones are nursing an empty dream and a futile endeavour.
All their instruments of warfare are as useless as the shattered teeth in the mouth of a ravenous lion.
Like running water flowing away, the wicked shall not be held up. They will be swept away so fast that they will be wondering at what hit them.
The wicked will melt away with slime as a travelling snail.
The wicked will be swept away as with a whirlwind.
Who can advise them to retreat and surrender?
Watch out for the establishment of the unyielding righteous.
The Judge of the earth has spoken and no one can reverse it. All who behold it will marvel at how pleasant it is to love God intentionally.