Good Tools Count
Software is a good word
It means we can all be clothed
Hardware is a common tool
It means we can all be useful
Knowledge is a right word
It means we can all be learners
Sledge is a common tool
It means we can all be direct
Patience is a kind word
It means we can all be waiters
Silence is a common tool
It means we can all be tranquil
Slow is a good word
It means we can all be thorough
Mow is a common tool
It means we can all be gardeners
Smart is a right word
It means we can all be bright
Doormat is a common tool
It means we can all be janitors
Welcome is a kind word
It means we can all be guests
Come is a common tool
It means we can all be decisive
Self-control is a good word
It means we can all be sober
Remote control is a common tool
It means we can all be reachable
Promise is a right word
It means we can all be hopeful
Compromise is a common tool
It means we can all be tolerant
Peace is a kind word
It means we can all be safe
Ace is a common tool
It means we can all be players
Conscience is a good word
It means we can all be awake
Science is a common tool
It means we can all be subjects
Empty is a right word
It means we can all be filled
Tee is a common tool
It means we can be informal
Purity is a kind word
It means we can all be sincere
Unity is a common tool
It means we can all be one