Poverty Has No Ally
Prudence has a crown
Trader bags wind
Who hates the rich
Poverty has no ally
Good own mercy gate
Evil steps on slippery surface
Profit rides on labour
Truth is seldom sweet
Action has holy time
Gossip finds hunger
Testifier can be just
Falacy is mostly bent
Piety has a refuge
Pride curries flies
Who bows to the poor
Life is very long
Peace has a bakery
Anger settles for crumbs
Moth makes rotten meat
Poise is simply great
Body has an owner
Street opens space
Herder keeps a village
Impulse is always broke
Honour has a maker
Tyranny saves a night
Who liberates the poor
Insight is fully welcome
Right has a home
Guilt forgets fingers
Lift works with light
Button shows green
Prince has a mule
Boss rides chariot
Discipline saves the king
Subject is readily taught
Laden has a sceptre
Sloth squanders talent
Who buys the sky
Grace stirs a river
Needy has a melody
Statue stands stiff
Sound enlivens the beat
Boiler is highly steamy
Grade has a box
Globe turns out circular
Fountain sprinkles the fringe
Dew is on every field